TxEP: Texas Educator Preparation

The journal of the
Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education
ISSN: 2474-3976
TxEP: Texas Educator Preparation provides a venue for discussion and analysis of Texas educator preparation issues. The journal serves to disseminate research, best practices, and professional application. Articles may have a research, practitioner, or professional focus. Proposed manuscripts undergo a double-blind review process and must be previously unpublished.
Annually published online at https://txep.csotte.com/.
The next call for manuscripts coming soon for publication in Summer 2025.
The Texas Forum of Teacher Education

The journal of the
Association of Texas Educators
(A CSOTTE member)
ISSN: 2166-0190
The goal of the Texas Forum of Teacher Education is to promote scholarship regarding campus-based and field-based Teacher Education in Texas. Proposed manuscripts undergo a blind review process and must be unpublished and not in review with other publications. TXATE members, including graduate students, are encouraged to submit manuscripts. Authors must be active TXATE members as a condition for publication.
Click here for the Texas Forum web page to find the publication and related resources.
Forum Call for Manuscripts: Deadline- July 1, 2024
Annually published online at www.txate.org.