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Conference Awards

Awards are a way for CSOTTE and the Member Organizations to reward teachers and other individuals for their accomplishments. Information on each of the different awards can be found below.


CSOTTE ~ Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education 


CSOTTE presents the Friend of Teacher Education Award to recognize and reward individuals not officially connected with teacher preparation organizations and institutions, but who have made significant contributions toward improving the preparation of teachers in Texas. The recipient will be an individual who has been supportive and positive toward the mission of the organizations of CSOTTE. The first Friend of Teacher Education Award was awarded at the 2006 Fall CSOTTE Conference on Teacher Education.


TACA ~ Texas Alternative Certification Association


TACA recognizes Shining Star Interns, honoring the hard work, efforts, and contributions of the interns chosen to be highlighted from their membership organizations. 


TACTE ~ Texas Association of Colleges for Teacher Education


The Robert B. Howsam Award is presented, on occasion, to a deserving individual who has demonstrated leadership at the state and national levels; has a high level of collegial respect and admiration; is creative, innovative, and has made significant contributions to education; has a long and continuing dedication to education; and has a history of scholarly research, publishing, or exemplary teaching.


Robert B. Howsam, who was a former dean of the College of Education-University of Houston, was an acknowledged leader in education for many years and enjoyed a national and international reputation. He was best known for his advocacy of Competency-Based Teacher Education, his dynamic leadership as a dean, and for his commitment to excellence in the preparation of educational professionals in Texas and the nation.



The TACTE Annual Leadership Award is presented each year to one who is deserving of TACTE recognition for significant contributions to the educator preparation process in Texas.


TDFE ~ Texas Directors of Field Experience


TDFE recognizes the Texas Clinical Teacher of the Year (Elementary and Secondary). These competitive awards were established in 1988. Recipients are selected from a field of teacher candidates who have met the criteria for selection. A plaque and a scholarship award are given to the winners of the elementary and secondary divisions.


TxATE ~ Texas Association of Teacher Educators


TxATE selects an individual to receive the Distinguished Clinician Award. This is presented to a public school teacher who has demonstrated exemplary service in the field and in assisting in the supervision of student teachers.



The Ben E. Coody Distinguished Service Award honors individuals who have given the same level of professional contributions to teacher education in Texas as did Dr. Coody. Dr. Coody served as the last President of the Texas Association for Student Teaching before the association became the Texas Association of Teacher Educators in 1971. Shortly after completing his term as president, Dr. Coody met an untimely death in an automobile accident. He was respected for his high code of ethics, his professional zeal, and his sincerity of purpose.



The Ted Booker Award is presented to an individual who has made an outstanding contribution in the field of teacher education. Ted Booker served as the President of TSCTE (predecessor of TxATE) from 1969-1970. This award is given in his memory.



         The exemplary K-12 Partnerships highlights what is done well at Texas                   universities, such as Induction Programs, or Continuing Professional                       Development practices. Universities are invited to nominate K-12                           Partnership initiatives designed both to prepare teacher candidates to

         excel and to improve K-12 Schools.

Teacher Preparation in Texas


The Quest for Quality Teacher Preparation in Texas (Quest for Quality) project, formerly a collaboration between the Center for Research, Evaluation and Advancement of Teacher Education (CREATE) and the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, has been incorporated into the efforts of the Consortium of State Organizations for Texas Teacher Education (CSOTTE). The purpose of the Quest for Quality project is to highlight exemplary quality in university-based teacher preparation in Texas.

The Quest for Quality seeks to:

  • Promote and accelerate improvements in university-based teacher preparation programs by identifying exemplary teacher candidates and exemplary practices within existing programs.

  • Foster broad scale application of best practices to improve quality and productivity in student recruitment and selection, course content and instructional delivery, field-based experiences, research and development, and school-university engagement.

The Quest for Quality project invites Texas universities to nominate exemplary teacher candidates, faculty, practices, programs, partnerships and research for recognition by the project. The purpose of these nominations is to identify best practices and make them more widely known. For descriptions and complete information on each nomination, click on one of the links below.



Exemplary School Partnerships


Exemplary Faculty Practices

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