TACCTEP - Texas Association of Community College
Teacher Education Programs
The Texas Association of Community College Teacher Education Programs (TACCTEP) strives to:
A. Create a cohesive affiliation of Texas community college teacher education programs and strategies for partnership in teacher preparation among community colleges, local school districts, and four-year institutions;
B. Support equity and access to post-secondary education for students in Texas;
C. Develop seamless pathways from community college programs to Texas Educator Preparation Programs at Institutions of Higher Education;
D. Provide leadership for sound policy for educator preparation in Texas by forging strong relationships with other teacher preparation programs and policy-making groups and individuals; and
E. Seek external funding for projects with member institutions.
2024-2025 Officers
Danelle Wolf
North Central Texas College
President Elect:
Caresal Bolds
San Jacinto College
Coming Soon
Shamim Arastu
Lone Star college - Cy-Fair
Executive Director (Past President)
Shereah Taylor-Love
Member at Large (North Texas):
Rebecca Burton
Members at Large (University Representatives):
Becky Fredrickson
Texas Woman's University
Laura Isabell
Texas A&M University - Commerce